Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Missing Link

Lindsey and I intend to explore the impact of technology on human and social behaviour. The media, with the help of technology has very much succeeded in creating an illusion and misconceptions about the Western world to Africa and vice versa.More importantly, our project is to gather personal information of on how Western Culture has penetrated through the African media sector, and how people from both cultures find a medium like the internet, television and a radio to compensate for their desire whiles away from home country. Our project would also address what Nicholas Bourriaud refer to as Creolization V.National/ Ethnic Identity as means through we share our culture with the rest of the world.

Our Goal is to create a short but quality video that explores at least three major media influences on Entertainment, News, Education, and Politicsin Africa and the Western world.Sharing and or borrowing from each other helps us to value how much our culture means to us.

-Video footage of West African interviews
-Audio clips of interviews
-West African music
-Interviews of Lawrentians effected by this multicultural media
-Youtube clips
-Written scripts
-personal stories

Technology -MAC
-Canon SLR-like w/1 hr video footage
-LaCie hard drive
-flashdrive 4GB
-Final Cut

1 comment:

Shimon and Lindemann said...

Providing subtle real life examples of creolization would expand the meaning of your project and the potential audience.