Sunday, February 7, 2010

Klaus Nomi

When one thinks of an artist so  many things comes to mind. But in my case, when i  think of artist especially an music i think  of  style, looks or appearance. I think of something that makes him or her unique. Klaus Nomi is no different in this sense. Indeed, he had a unique personality in terms of appearance.Like many artist, stars, celebrities or whatever name we   choose  to give them, has his own identity. Whether it was given or taken by the artist himself a  distinction is made from who the artist really is and what he or her is  known to be.

To some extent his artificial makeup look was a signature of himself but at the same time i think he  did that to make himself feel better. Nevertheless,  he was trying to fit in and find a common grounds on which he can fight his loneliness issues. His inability to find a permanent relationship. It is natural to feel lonely  sometimes especially when you can get what you think would make you whole say, love. But in the case of artists or well known personalities, it would be extremely hard in a sense that, first and foremost you are in living in two separate worlds. That  is the stardom, living a life where you feel loved, attention and in control and the  second life where you feel like a cocoon, you go unnoticed. That is the reality.

Stereotypically speaking, what happens to most artists in the long run that either they die as paupers or of strange ailments. In Klaus' case, he died of the later and according to the media, he was the first publicly known artist to die of AIDS.  In a sense Klaus contributed greatly on having an image something uniquely you in the artist world and there are artist today that one can easily say is influenced by Klaus Nomi. A typical examples could be Lady Gaga or even the late Micheal Jackson..

1 comment:

Shimon and Lindemann said...

Interesting to compare Klaus and MJ. There are the parallels: creation of a dramatic appearance, alleged isolation despite fame and youthful death. Something about the quality of their voices too.