Looking back to what we have so far, I can say Lindsey and I are doing great on our project.
We have all of our interviews done, edited interviews into sub clips , and finally we have done some logical arrangements of the clips as to how we want things to flow like the quick-time movie in our presentation. We have done through all the sub clips to make sure we have all the vital information and in sequence for our project.
Next Step...
Our next plan of action is to do all the cool stuff to our video.
- Artistic editing
- Sound track: maybe have some music at the background
- Transitioning: find a harmonious way to merge all clips together as one big piece
- Organization and finally
- Perfection: we hope ;to make our project at perfect and appealing as possible.
You played some music for us when you gave your introductory presentation and it really helped me understand the mixing of cultures/Westernization that goes on Africa these days. I feel that well-chosen music would really augment your project and help put the audience in the world that you are discussing.
Transitions, juxtapositions and color can be manipulated in final cut. It can be a long time-consuming process to make a honed video. Sounds like you're ready to jump into it.
remember to be super anal-retentive about the sound transitions. It'll be much more pleasing to the ear if you try to make every clip the same volume and fade the audio between to remove that clipping sound...
i think if you focus in on minute details the material is good enough to make a really great final product.
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